Theorem 1: For any finite alphabet \(\Sigma\), the set of string defined on it is countable. proof:
[basic idea: build a 1-1 map from string to natural number]
First of all, we consider . It is obvious that any string defined on such alphabet can be considered as a number in base-2 system. However, that is not enough because it is not a 1-1 map, since a lot of string might be mapped to the same integer, for example, \(0001\) and \(1\). We can fix this issue by adding a ``1” before the string. Thus, we get a 1-1 map from a string to natural number.
Then, we extend the above proof to more general cases. It is easy to figure out that, for $\mid\Sigma\mid = k$, we can transform any string defined on it as a number expressed in base-k by using similar approach as above.
Therefore, for any finite alphabet, the set of string defined on it is countable.
Theorem 2: The set of language on a finite alphabet is uncountable.
[hint: Cantor’s diagonalization method]
Theorem 1: is undecidable.
[hint: Cantor’s diagonalization method, note that is also a string]
Theorem 2: is undecidable.
[hint: reduction from ACCEPT]
Theorem 3: Determining whether a TM accepts any string is undecidable.
[hint: construct a parametric TM and reduce from ACCEPT]
Corollary 3.1: Determining whether a TM rejects all strings is undecidable.
Corollary 3.2: Determining whether two TM’s $M_1, M_2$ accept the same language $L$ is undecidable.