Project - Network Virtualization Platform

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System Overview

The above figure shows the overview of our network virtualization system. From it, we can see there are three major modules in our system.

  • Virtual Software-Defined Virtual Network Management Module

    A Web GUI for users (or customers) to create and Manage their virtual networks continently.

    Front-end: bootstrap
    Back-end: django

    More details you can refer to the video demo in the following part and my master thesis

  • Network Hyper-visor (Extended OpenVirteX, E-OVX for short)

    A openflow-based network hyper-visor supporting for network virtualization

    It is based on OpenVirteX, we did protocol extension on it (i.e., making it support for elastic optical network)

    More details you can refer to the official web of OpenVirteX

  • Virtual Network Embedder

    The module to conduct virtual network embedding, which is one of the major challenges in network virtualization

    Motivations to separating it from Network Hyper-visor
    Easily upgrade
    Easily debug

Major Principle

More details, you can refer to OpenVirteX official web or my master thesis

A Video Demo

The following video shows how a user applies our network virtualization platform to create and manage their virtual networks.


Model details your can refer to my defense ppt and the system part of my master thesis.

Useful Linux Software

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Useful user-defined LaTeX commands

Published on November 27, 2016